Hints & Tips at UniversityWe all want to do our bit. Safety, sustainability and energy efficiency are important to us all. Sometimes it’s the little things that can make a big difference, particularly when we act collectively. Here are some top tips to help students at university or college. |
Properly used, dishwashers use less water and energy than washing dishes by hand. However, make sure you only wash full loads and don’t pre-rinse everything in the sink first unless it really needs it.
When did you last test your carbon monoxide alarm? Make sure it works when you need it by testing it weekly. #TestItTuesday
Only fill your kettle with the water you need. You will save both water and energy.
Make sure your radiators are clear so they can heat the space efficiently. Curtains or furniture can easily block them.
If your charger has an LED to show it’s in use, it is still using energy until you switch it off at the wall or unplug it.
Make sure your pans fully cover the rings on your hob to use all of the heat being provided. Use the right sized ring for the pan you are heating.
Carbon monoxide is a silent killer. Every year in the UK it kills around 50 people and sends 4000 to A&E for emergency treatment. Make sure you get all your combustion appliances properly serviced and fit an alarm. Good quality alarms are available from most DIY suppliers and take minutes to fit. It could save your life!
Draught excluders are a cheap way of cutting out the chill from poorly fitting doors and windows. Most are also easy to fit, a simple DIY task.
Use a microwave. Generally a microwave oven is the most efficient way to heat up and cook food.
If you need to use a tumble drier, make sure you use a full load and keep the lint filter clean. It will keep your machine working more efficiently saving energy while also reducing any risk of fire.