If you are looking to find out more, this is a good place to start. We are developing our knowledge base to help you discover the information you need to live and work in a more sustainable and energy efficient manner. We also hope it will help you better understand our services.
If you can't find what you are looking for straight away, please use the "Search this site" function below to lookup a relevant key term.

Frequently Asked Questions
We have collected together answers for some of the most frequently asked questions our team receive. Please feel free to browse our library to find out more.

Hint & Tips
Looking for simple ideas to help improve the sustainability of your lifestyle? Wherever you are and whatever you are doing we have some hints and tips to help.

Domestic Recommendations
Further information and resources for the common recommendations that might be found in domestic energy performance reports.

Non-Domestic Recommendations
Further information and resources for the common recommendations that might be found in non-domestic energy performance reports.

Our Glossary
Throughout this website we try to ensure we are consistent and hyperlink directly to the definitions of key terms and abbreviations where possible. You can access our glossary here.

A collection of laws, regulations and other legislation relevant to our work.