What information is needed to produce a Display Energy Certificate (DEC)?

In order to produce a certificate your assessor will require the following information for each building:

  • The name and address of the building including the postcode;
  • Some details about how your building is used and maintained;
  • The Total Useable Floor Area (TUFA) or Gross Internal Area (GIA) of the building;
  • Metered energy consumption (gas & electricity) for a 12 month period*;
  • Measurement of any other energy consumption e.g. oil & solid fuel;
  • The published opening hours of the building;
  • Details relating to on-site renewables and low or zero carbon technologies;
  • Details of any surplus energy exported to the grid.

To produce their first certificate for any building or to update the Recommendations Report (formerly Advisory Report) that accompanies the certificate, the assessor will also visit the building. During this visit the assessor will need to visit plant rooms, meters, air conditioning systems and occupied areas to gather evidence for their report. They will also take photographs of your building and the systems installed within it. These photos are only to show features of the building fabric, its layout and how energy is being used so the assessor will avoid including people or sensitive information wherever possible.

All information obtained will be securely stored and only used for the purpose of producing your Display Energy Certificate and Advisory Report. If you have any concerns please discuss these with the assessor who can also let you review photographs taken if required so that you can be reassured these are appropriate. It may also help to arrange for the assessor to visit the building outside normal opening hours when less people will be about.

* This information may come from your own meter readings or energy bills. The information supplied does not have to cover exactly 365 days but information for all fuels needs to cover more or less the same period. Further details can be obtained from the assessor if required.