Solar water heating
Priority for Completion: Very Low
This recommendation is triggered if the property potentially has appropriate roof space and the technology is not already fitted. The exact benefit will depend upon a wide range of factors including the heating systems, the cost of the fuel used, the occupancy of the home and the amount of hot water used. Generally, the benefits are limited in relation to those offered by alternative technologies and the costs involved. As a result we have rated this as being very low priority and suggest it is only considered once other higher priority improvements have already been made.
What is solar water heating?
Solar water heating, sometimes called solar thermal, uses the energy from the sun to pre-warm water. This results in it requiring less energy from other sources to bring it up to the desired temperature.
Installing this technology requires a suitable storage tank and usually appropriate roof space. You may also need planning and other consents.
Fitting solar water heating
Fitting this specialist technology requires expertise. It should only be undertaken by suitably qualified professionals registered with an appropriate scheme.
If you are considering installing solar water heating you will need to obtain specialist advice from an expert.
Other considerations
If you are considering solar water heating you should also consider other alternative technologies. This includes use of an air source heat pump which may be more effective and efficient.
Solar water heating
Priority for Completion: Very Low
This recommendation is triggered if the property potentially has appropriate roof space and the technology is not already fitted. The exact benefit will depend upon a wide range of factors including the heating systems, the cost of the fuel used, the occupancy of the home and the amount of hot water used. Generally, the benefits are limited in relation to those offered by alternative technologies and the costs involved. As a result we have rated this as being very low priority and suggest it is only considered once other higher priority improvements have already been made.
What is solar water heating?
Solar water heating, sometimes called solar thermal, uses the energy from the sun to pre-warm water. This results in it requiring less energy from other sources to bring it up to the desired temperature.
Installing this technology requires a suitable storage tank and usually appropriate roof space. You may also need planning and other consents.
Fitting solar water heating
Fitting this specialist technology requires expertise. It should only be undertaken by suitably qualified professionals registered with an appropriate scheme.
If you are considering installing solar water heating you will need to obtain specialist advice from an expert.
Other considerations
If you are considering solar water heating you should also consider other alternative technologies. This includes use of an air source heat pump which may be more effective and efficient.