Upgrade to low energy lighting
Priority for Completion: Very High
This recommendation is made when the assessment finds significant amounts of tungsten or halogen lighting. In domestic Energy Performance Certificates all types of LED and fluorescent lighting count as low energy. As a result this recommendation is often not triggered when it ought to be. We believe that this recommendation should be updated to recommend LED lighting.
This recommendation is usually cheap and easy to complete. In fact, you will find it difficult not to carry it out as light bulbs are replaced. Using modern LED lights has various other benefits and they usually pay for themselves quickly. As a result, we have rated this as very high priority for completion.
What is low energy lighting?
There are various forms of lighting that are considered to be low energy however these vary greatly in performance. All of them save considerable amounts of energy over tungsten and halogen lights. However, technology has advanced greatly in the last few years. As a result, we would now suggest LED lighting is the way forward.
A wide range of LED lights are available. They have different appearances, colour profiles and intensity (brightness). They also now vary considerably in efficiency. Choosing the right light is important so don't be afraid to ask for help. Nearly all bulb types, shapes and sizes are now available in LED forms. This includes specialist lights for fridges, freezers, cooker hoods and the like. You may also find that you need less light fittings to achieve the same effect.
LED lights are also available with other smart controls including timers, dimmers and colour changers. Stair and hallway lights can also be fitted with automatic dawn to dusk nightlight functions to help young children and to improve fire safety.
LED bulbs normally operate at much lower temperatures than tungsten and halogen bulbs. This makes them less likely to burn if touched and can also reduce fire risks.
Most LED lights have a very long lifespan and will typically last many years in normal use.
Other considerations
Don't just think about changing your indoor lighting and fixed fittings. LED lighting is available for nearly all purposes. Changing all your lighting can offer bigger savings.
Changing to LED Christmas lights can reduce the risk of fires and save you energy. Keeping your electricity bill under control at Christmas is one less thing to worry about.
Upgrade to low energy lighting
Priority for Completion: Very High
This recommendation is made when the assessment finds significant amounts of tungsten or halogen lighting. In domestic Energy Performance Certificates all types of LED and fluorescent lighting count as low energy. As a result this recommendation is often not triggered when it ought to be. We believe that this recommendation should be updated to recommend LED lighting.
This recommendation is usually cheap and easy to complete. In fact, you will find it difficult not to carry it out as light bulbs are replaced. Using modern LED lights has various other benefits and they usually pay for themselves quickly. As a result, we have rated this as very high priority for completion.
What is low energy lighting?
There are various forms of lighting that are considered to be low energy however these vary greatly in performance. All of them save considerable amounts of energy over tungsten and halogen lights. However, technology has advanced greatly in the last few years. As a result, we would now suggest LED lighting is the way forward.
A wide range of LED lights are available. They have different appearances, colour profiles and intensity (brightness). They also now vary considerably in efficiency. Choosing the right light is important so don't be afraid to ask for help. Nearly all bulb types, shapes and sizes are now available in LED forms. This includes specialist lights for fridges, freezers, cooker hoods and the like. You may also find that you need less light fittings to achieve the same effect.
LED lights are also available with other smart controls including timers, dimmers and colour changers. Stair and hallway lights can also be fitted with automatic dawn to dusk nightlight functions to help young children and to improve fire safety.
LED bulbs normally operate at much lower temperatures than tungsten and halogen bulbs. This makes them less likely to burn if touched and can also reduce fire risks.
Most LED lights have a very long lifespan and will typically last many years in normal use.
Other considerations
Don't just think about changing your indoor lighting and fixed fittings. LED lighting is available for nearly all purposes. Changing all your lighting can offer bigger savings.
Changing to LED Christmas lights can reduce the risk of fires and save you energy. Keeping your electricity bill under control at Christmas is one less thing to worry about.