Heating controls (TRVs)
Priority for Completion: Medium
This recommendation is triggered if the property has wet radiators without TRVs installed. The exact benefit will depend upon a wide range of factors including the age and model of the boiler, the cost of the fuel used and the occupancy of the home. Generally, the more the home is occupied and the older the boiler, the bigger the savings will be. However, changes to your home's heating system should be undertaken by a competent installer and may require some financial investment so we have rated this as being medium priority. This work may also have to be undertaken as part of other changes if required by the current Building Regulations.
What do these controls do?
Thermostatic Radiator Valves (better known as TRVs) help to control the temperature of different parts of your home. They are adjusted to select the required temperature and will switch off the radiators they control when this temperature is reached. Having TRVs allows you to select different temperatures in different rooms and avoid heating rooms you do not use.
Older TRVs designs used to often get stuck resulting in cold radiators. They also had to be fitted the correct way round or they would prevent water flowing through the radiator circuit. Most modern TRVs can be fitted with the flow in either direction and improvements in design mean they are much less likely to stick. Smart technologies can also be incorporated into newer TRVs to allow remote and timed control.
There is a common misunderstanding that TRVs slow down your home warming up. This is simply not true. Your home will only warm up as quickly as your heating system can produce heat. These controls just shut your heating off once your home has reached the required temperature so it is more comfortable and you don't waste energy overheating areas of your home.
Fitting these controls
TRVs are generally easy to install but do require some plumbing knowledge.  Getting it wrong can result in leaks and damage to your home. If you are at all unsure get them professionally fitted.
You will also need to ensure that at least one radiator is left without a TRV unless an alternative form of bypass is fitted within the system. This is a very important safety feature.
Heating controls (TRVs)
Priority for Completion: Medium
This recommendation is triggered if the property has wet radiators without TRVs installed. The exact benefit will depend upon a wide range of factors including the age and model of the boiler, the cost of the fuel used and the occupancy of the home. Generally, the more the home is occupied and the older the boiler, the bigger the savings will be. However, changes to your home's heating system should be undertaken by a competent installer and may require some financial investment so we have rated this as being medium priority. This work may also have to be undertaken as part of other changes if required by the current Building Regulations.
What do these controls do?
Thermostatic Radiator Valves (better known as TRVs) help to control the temperature of different parts of your home. They are adjusted to select the required temperature and will switch off the radiators they control when this temperature is reached. Having TRVs allows you to select different temperatures in different rooms and avoid heating rooms you do not use.
Older TRVs designs used to often get stuck resulting in cold radiators. They also had to be fitted the correct way round or they would prevent water flowing through the radiator circuit. Most modern TRVs can be fitted with the flow in either direction and improvements in design mean they are much less likely to stick. Smart technologies can also be incorporated into newer TRVs to allow remote and timed control.
There is a common misunderstanding that TRVs slow down your home warming up. This is simply not true. Your home will only warm up as quickly as your heating system can produce heat. These controls just shut your heating off once your home has reached the required temperature so it is more comfortable and you don't waste energy overheating areas of your home.
Fitting these controls
TRVs are generally easy to install but do require some plumbing knowledge.  Getting it wrong can result in leaks and damage to your home. If you are at all unsure get them professionally fitted.
You will also need to ensure that at least one radiator is left without a TRV unless an alternative form of bypass is fitted within the system. This is a very important safety feature.