Hints & Tips at SchoolWe all want to do our bit. Safety, sustainability and energy efficiency are important to us all. Sometimes it’s the little things that can make a big difference, particularly when we act collectively. Here are some student friendly tips for schools and colleges. |
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Make sure your radiators are clear so they can heat the space efficiently. Curtains or furniture can easily block them.
Make sure your computers are programmed to shut down and save power when not in use. Most operating systems have built in power settings and the capability of being switched on or off remotely if required. If you need them on for network upgrades and backups, commit to running these on a specific schedule and build this into you power settings. You’ll be surprised how much energy you can save.
Think before your print. Reducing the amount of material you print has a long list of benefits including saving paper, chemicals and electricity. More and more offices and industries are going paper free, so think about how you can reduce any printing you do.
Energy and waste champions can engage users with energy efficiency in your buildings. They are a great way of encouraging simple energy efficiency measures and can involve students in schools and colleges whilst providing an additional educational experience. #StudentVoice
Litter belongs in bins! Stuffing litter behind radiators not only prevents them working efficiently but can also be a fire risk.