Spiralling energy costs have not just impacted households but have left many community groups and charities struggling. At the very time we need them most, financial pressures are severely limiting the support they can provide and, in too many case, their very existence.
Falling wholesale energy costs will provide a welcome light on the horizon for many but it really doesn’t hurt to take the opportunity to begin a journey to more efficient energy use for a more sustainable future. There are many low and no cost measures that can be taken to reduce energy bills and reduce the carbon footprint of your club for future generations.
England Rugby (The RFU) are leading the way. Encouraging clubs of all sizes to review their facilities management, they hope to improve energy efficiency and cut costs while making the sport even more welcoming for all.
To support this, the RFU have produced a wide range of resources to help clubs access expert knowledge in an accessible way. But it is not just Rugby Clubs that can benefit. Many community facilities, clubs and organisations would also benefit from applying the same resources to their organisations. Much of the information is readily accessible on the RFU website and easy to follow.
In particular, a set of checklists are available to help clubs implement essential “no cost – low cost solutions” to help reduce energy costs. Each one covers a specific topic and encourages the implementation of best practice to cut your energy demand.
The topics are:
Further details are available: https://www.englandrugby.com/participation/running-your-club/facilities